
Just random writings.

Learn to Say NO →

We always try to make everyone happy at what cost? Learning to say no is a good thing, especially when it’s something you don’t want to do.

Stop Using Filler Words While Speaking Embrace Silent Pauses →

Mostly known as vocalized pauses such as like, uh, you know, and so. We use these while thinking instead of just being silent. I’m guilty of doing this, I am working on getting rid of this bad habit.

Types of Humor →

I love to have a good time and laugh – a lot. I mean I think everyone does, there could be some outliers of course. I started thinking about the various types of things that make me laugh. I don’t count tickling, since that’s cheating and to a point can be torturous.

Personally I am a fan of sarcasm/hyperbole/exaggeration.

I began to drill down on the different type of comedy that will cause us to laugh. It actually turned out to be quite interesting. I have compiled a few articles to links that I read that were interesting.

We Need More Dominant Political Parties →

I’m not a fan of the two party system. I don’t like how there only two dominant parties to represent so many hot issues. For example, if you’re a 2nd amendment supporter then you will mostly be a Republican, that means you will also have to support pro-life, religion, and everything that comes with the Republican Party. This is the same if you support a single hot topic that Democrats support, then you automatically have to support everything else they stand for. Unfortunately, that doesn’t allow for much choice.