- What's this site about?
Mostly just my thoughts. A space for me to jot down some of my mental notes.
- Why is your site so simple?
It's simple by choice. I want it to be easy to read and be distraction free. And as an added bonus because of its simplicity it'll load super fast on your device. Instant gratification! Oh, and it will use up less battery on devices.
- I want to create my own website, how do I start my own website?
First you need a domain name (i.e. www.domainname.com) these you can buy many at places. I like namecheap (avoid GoDaddy at all costs). Basically it's an yearly registration fee just like your car's tags, which I would say on average is about $15 per year. You need to pay each year if not you'll lose your rights to it.
Secondly, you need a "server" a place where your site will be stored a.k.a. hosted. You'll basically be renting out a space, this can be as cheap as $5 per month. Just really depends what you're looking for.